Manufacturing Reshoring and Our Domestic Supply Chain

Passport's Manufacturing Software Product Manager

It’s Time to Rebuild Our Domestic Supply Chain

Hello again,

The following was written by Ian Creswell, Passport Software’s Manufacturing Product Manager. We hope you find it useful.

I’ve always found for every negative, there’s always a positive. For me anyway, life has always had a way of balancing itself out.

Over the last several months, we’ve seen a lot of negative things happening as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

I have a hope, that we as a nation have learned something through this process and can spin it into a huge positive for our country and the people that make our country work.

How can this be? It’s time to bring some of our manufacturing back home and I think we’re poised to do that now.

Supply Chain Disruptions

Just yesterday, I needed to pick up a few things for an upcoming camping trip. I stopped into several stores looking for what I needed. What did I find? Not much. Many of the shelves are currently bare.

There are many reasons for this, reduction in staffing at key points in the supply chain is one. Another is many of the goods we see on the shelves are imported from other countries.

With importing capacity down, and even stopped in some cases, this doesn’t just create a reduction in resources within the supply chain, it brings it to a halt.

A great example of the problem is the personal protection equipment shortages our healthcare workers experienced during this pandemic. Much of the product used by the folks on the front lines are imported from other countries.

Manufacturing Reshoring

We can’t allow this to happen any longer. We need to bring some, if not most, of the production of critical products like this back to US soil!

Should we bring all of this back? I’m honestly not sure that is either practical or prudent. Having multiple sources of goods, especially of this nature, is important. At the same time, ramping up domestic availability is critical.

How do we solve this problem? Again, let’s bring back some of our manufacturing! I understand it’s not all coming back, nor is it going to come back fast, but now is the time to act.

We’ve all recently experienced what it’s like to have our supply chains cut off and it’s time to mitigate this problem.


Our country was built on the backs of entrepreneurs. We have an innovative spirit here in the United States of America and it’s time to leverage that innovation once again.

I truly believe that Made in the USA is going to have real meaning to the consumers across our great nation once again and I think that may be true for some time to come.

Passport Software, Inc. is here to help in any way we can. We’ve been developing ERP software for small to medium sized Manufacturing and Distribution companies for more than 30 years.

We’re poised to assist companies who are just starting up, or who’ve been in business for some time but haven’t automated the operational side of their business.

We specialize in helping these companies position themselves for growth and aid them in managing their operations efficiently so they can get the most out of their staff.

We’re also positioned to help these companies continue to grow over time, allowing them to achieve whatever level of success they choose!

Now is the time! Let’s work together to rebuild our domestic supply chains one company at a time.

Learn more about our manufacturing software for small businesses and mid-sized companies.  Or contact us – we are here to help.

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