PBS™ Payroll Software – Scalable and Flexible

Our payroll software for small business

Scalable Payroll Software for Small Business and Mid-Sized Companies

Hello again,

This post is for companies that are vetting a new payroll solution.  We hope you find it useful.


Scalable is a concept that has become a part of everyday business conversation. It is an attribute that describes the ability of a process, network, software or organization to grow and manage increased demand.

Scalable might not be a concept that comes to mind when talking about payroll. But for many companies, the increases and decreases in these management needs are as dramatic as any other industry fluctuation.

Resourceful managers coping with start-up level payroll solutions may devise spreadsheets or charts to manage staff schedules and track hours. Different pay rates within a single shift are noted in the empty spaces on the page or in a notebook.


In low to moderate traffic, the spreadsheets and notes can tie the bits and pieces of payroll together without too much trouble, but preparation during peak traffic may be another matter. Or perhaps the decision was made to outsource a payroll service provider.

There are advantages but much of the work to prepare and review payroll is still managed in-house, and it may not be a smooth process to scale up and down in order to manage any changes.

It may end up being as much of a burden as the too simple, too rigid entry level software. What are the alternatives for a small to mid-sized company with changing numbers and needs?

Passport Software

With 30+ years of experience, we provide easy to use in-house payroll software for small businesses and medium sized companies.

Our software accommodates a variety of needs and provides compliance with federal, state and local tax regulations.

With PBS™, you pay a one-time licensing fee (and a nominal annual fee for updates) for an in-house system. Cost savings on an outside service can pay for the software over time and provide you with ongoing ROI.

And, with an in-house system you control the entire process. Desktop payroll software allows you to make last minute-changes, and you can process the data on your own schedule.

An outside service may charge additional fees for adding overtime, adjusting shifts, and they can increase the cost of their services at will.

To learn more call 800-969-7900. Or contact us – we are here to help.

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