How Important is Manufacturing Software for Small Businesses?

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Will Manufacturing Software Benefit Your Company?

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Small to mid-sized manufacturers are not so different, operationally, from larger manufacturers. They have many of the same business concerns, just scaled down. But often, manufacturing software designed for small businesses cuts out vital features to be more affordable.  Missing key functions can cause trouble.

Software Requirements

“Smaller” does not mean “needs less software functionality.” In fact, most manufacturers share most of the same software needs: MRP, order processing, accounting, and reporting, as bigger companies. But the larger manufacturer usually has a bigger software budget.

Smaller manufacturers deal with tighter profit margins. They often make do with fewer employees. Their employees must be cross-trained to be able to cover multiple job functions. They must run with less inventory on hand. And, they often have shorter delivery times. Production or inventory mistakes can have a big impact.

Change Management

Unexpected changes in the market can impact manufacturers dramatically. Product availability and related pricing changes can affect a smaller company more than their larger competition. Manufacturing software for small businesses can help owners and managers plan for change.

Manufacturing software for small businesses needs to provide rich functionality because there is little margin for error.

Software modules defined by general function, such as bills of material (BOM), manufacturing resource planning (MRP), work jobs, sales orders, purchasing and inventory help companies with tight budgets.  They can start with only the software functions they need to keep costs lower. They can add more as they grow.


Manufacturing software for small businesses must be easy to learn and use. Downtime for training is lost income.

The selection of manufacturing software for small businesses is perhaps even more important to the smaller operation than any other.

Manufacturing owners and managers rely on their software investment to help them understand and grow their companies. Comprehensive business reporting is important.

Unlike larger systems, PBS™ Manufacturing allows users to accomplish more in less time, giving your staff the flexibility they need to cover multiple tasks.

To find out if PBS™ Manufacturing could benefit your your  company, call Dave Dorsey at 800-969-7900 x145.


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