PBS™ Manufacturing – Better Reporting with PBS™ SQL

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Solving Problems with PBS SQL

Hello again,

This post is for small to mid-sized manufacturers and is sourced from a webinar presented by Ian Creswell, Passport Software’s Manufacturing Product Manager. We hope you find it useful:

What is the problem that we are trying to solve by using SQL?

Historically folks have been limited to pre-built reports rather than creating ad-hoc custom reports, whether it’s PBS or another system.

Maybe your company requires a report with different data or more information that is unique to your business process.

Better Reporting

PBS SQL (Structured Query Language) uses Microsoft SQL, which has a much more open database format than non-SQL systems, and PBS SQL facilitates better reporting.

Even if two manufacturing companies are making the same product and using the same software, each will have different reporting needs.

You can leverage PBS SQL to get reports the way you need them because every manufacturer has different goals for how they want to get information out of their system.

Custom Interface

Because of the way a SQL database organizes the data, integration and exchange of information between SQL-based systems reduces the requirement for sophisticated (and expensive) development. It is much easier to create a custom interface with SQL.

Here’s a quote from one of our customers:

“With Passport SQL, we were able to save hundreds of hours a month by creating a custom interface from our production system directly into Passport’s Order Entry system instead of having to key in orders.

The interface automatically generates our highly detailed production orders directly into Passport as Order Entry orders allowing us to print the invoices and post them into the history system with ease.

The ability to get custom reports out of Passport’s SQL database has been most useful for business management and production reporting purposes. I recommend Passport SQL as a great solution.”

Pull Data in to Excel

This quote is extreme, but it’s possible. This is more typical:

“Passport PBS on SQL is a great improvement from our old RealWorld system. It has many new capabilities I like and I know that I haven’t found all of them yet, there are so many.

We especially like the ability to pull data from PBS into Excel, and have started using it, although we plan to do a lot more in the future.”

For better reporting, you can utilize information the way you want from the PBS SQL Manufacturing Software data base using a SQL-compatible reporting tool such as Excel, Access and many others.

Better reporting can help you gain more visibility of your operations for enhanced business intelligence to facilitate better decision making for your company.

For more information call Dave Dorsey at 800-969-7900 x145. Or contact us – we are here to help.

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