PBS™ Manufacturing Software for Small Businesses – Date Sensitive

A manufacturing software for small business inventory calendar

PBS™ Manufacturing – Date Sensitive Software Helps Supply Match Demand

Hello again,

This post is for small to mid-sized manufacturers who are exploring the benefits of the PBS™ Manufacturing system.  We hope you find this information useful.

PBS™ Manufacturing for small businesses and mid-sized companies helps to ensure a manufacturer has the materials or labor available to meet their current and future demand.

In the system, each of the different types of supply and demand are date sensitive: Shop orders have a start and due date. Sales orders have a scheduled ship date. Purchase orders have also have a due date.

Lead Time

Purchased and manufactured items have a lead-time defined in the item master file. This is the length of time it takes to make or procure the product in question.

All of these dates and numbers will be used by the system to help make your supply and demand match.

PBS™ Manufacturing software for small businesses will aid a manufacturer in comparing supply and demand and will highlight areas where supply isn’t meeting demand.

MRP and Capacity Planning Modules

If using the Master Scheduling and MRP module, the system will even give the user order action reports, or a list of suggested actions necessary to make the supply meet demand.

If one is also using the Capacity Requirements Planning module, they will be provided with reports that help to highlight departments that aren’t capable of meeting the current production schedule.

PBS™ Manufacturing software for small businesses provides a planner (in the CP module) that can then use this information to make the appropriate adjustments to the schedule.

If used correctly, these functions can help a manufacturer reduce inventory levels, improve flow on the production floor, improve on-time deliveries, and increase profits.

To learn more call Dave Dorsey at 800-969-7900 x.145. Or Contact Us – We are here to help.

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